A slightly belated happy new year to you and welcome to the first Autolawn post of 2020!
I’m sure you’re all dying to get a recap of what we got up to in 2019 and hear the latest news of what’s coming up in 2020 so, without further ado…
2019 RECAP
2019 was a great year for us at Autolawn and for the robotic lawnmower market itself, which continues to grow.

We were at the exciting Innovate Guildford Science and Arts Festival in March where we were lucky enough to introduce the new Husqvarna 435X AWD before it was on general release in the UK. In September we premiered the machine at the Emmett and Stone Country Sports Open Day, where we enjoyed showing off the benefits of this ground-breaking new mower. Capable of tackling inclines of up to 70% and the new design making the mower more agile than ever before, the 435X AWD also has Alexa and Google Assistant support.
2019 was also our first year as suppliers of the fantastic and hugely popular Cub Cadet brand of mowers, this has given us the ultimate brands package which allows us to provide the perfect mower for all types of gardens.
2020 will see the release of the Husqvarna 305 which is a modern mower for smaller lawns. This higher spec machine is capable of mowing areas up to 600m2, and has a frost sensor, systematic passage handling and is the very first Automower you can hose down. Autolawn will be offering the new Automower 305 at the very special price of £999 between February and May, so make sure get in there first by booking your free consultation now!
Husqvarna aren’t the only ones bringing out a new model for compact gardens in 2020, with Honda set to releast the Miimo HRM40 and the Miimo HRM40 Live. The new Miimo models are perfect for gardens up to 400m2, with a smart timer which adapts to weather conditions, ultra-quiet operation and super quick set up. The Live version also has full smartphone and Alex connectivity. The new HRM40 and HRM40 Live are set to be released in February 2020.
In other exciting news, Robomow have recently introduced Robovision camera-based technology, which can detect humans and pets and adjust its mowing pattern accordingly. This represents the first camera based robotic lawnmowers, and will be available from the spring, so watch this space!
We can’t wait for the spring to arrive so we can get cracking making lawns look lovely! In the meantime, why not beat the rush and give us a call to arrange a free consultation?